Andre’ L. Wright Jr. is the Photographer, Director and Owner of Color of Life Branding. Read his story as this month’s #BlackBusinessMonth Feature!

What inspired you to start your business?

Color of Life Branding was born from a deep desire to celebrate and amplify the unique voices and stories that often go unheard. As a photographer, I've always been fascinated by the diversity of human experiences and how these stories can be told through powerful imagery. I noticed a gap in the market for an agency that excels not only in brand development but also in genuinely understanding the importance of authentically representing diverse narratives.

The inspiration came from my own journey as a local Nanticoke Indian photographer. I found great joy in capturing the vibrant, rich tapestry of Indigenous and marginalized communities. I realized that these stories could do more than just raise awareness—they could form the foundation of powerful, resonant brands. Thus, Color of Life Branding was established to bridge that gap, using creativity and authenticity to help brands tell their stories in the most impactful way. My goal is to bring color to life, not just through visual elements but by fostering genuine connections between brands and their audiences.

“Color of Life is a multifaceted agency specializing in brand development, creative strategy, content creation, video, and photography.”

Have you faced any challenges as a Black business owner? If so, how have you overcome them?

Absolutely. Being a Black business owner comes with its own set of unique challenges. One of the most significant hurdles I've faced is breaking through stereotypes and biases that exist within the industry. There have been times when I've had to work twice as hard to prove the value and quality of my work simply because of preconceived notions tied to my identity. Access to funding and resources has also been a challenge. Many minority-owned businesses face systemic barriers that make it difficult to secure the necessary support to grow. It's an ongoing battle to find opportunities that level the playing field and allow us to compete on the same terms as our counterparts.

However, these challenges have also fueled my determination. They’ve pushed me to build strong networks and partnerships within my community and beyond and to continuously advocate for the importance of representation and diversity in all facets of business. These experiences have not only shaped me as an entrepreneur but have also deepened my commitment to creating a space where diverse voices are heard and valued.

Can you share a success story or memorable moment related to your business?

One of the proudest moments for me and Color of Life Branding came in 2022 when I was commissioned by the Delaware Art Museum to photograph Indigenous Faces of Wilmington. This exhibition was more than just a photography project; it was a deeply meaningful opportunity to shine a light on the Indigenous community in Wilmington, Delaware, and share their rich stories and heritage with a broader audience. Being a part of this project allowed me to use my craft to bring awareness and celebrate the diversity that often goes unseen.

The exhibit, Indigenous Faces of Wilmington, was the first in a series of events that the Delaware Art Museum hosted to honor Indigenous culture. It featured powerful, portrait-style photographs of diverse individuals, each representing a unique Indigenous background. The experience of photographing these individuals was incredibly moving. It allowed me to connect with their stories and heritage on a personal level, as I come from a Nanticoke background. Through these portraits, my goal was to capture the essence, pride, and beauty of each person and contribute to a conversation about representation, cultural identity, and inclusion. What made this project even more special was working alongside Iz Balleto, the DelArt Community Engagement Specialist who conceived the project. His vision for reintroducing, rediscovering, and re-educating the community about the rich Indigenous cultures present in Wilmington aligned perfectly with my mission for Color of Life Branding. Iz’s personal connection to the project as a Peruvian native of the Quechua Indians, descendants of the Incas, added another layer of authenticity and passion to the endeavor.

This project is just the tip of the iceberg for Color of Life and me as a photographer. It solidified my commitment to using photography not only as an art form but as a tool for social change and cultural education. Exhibiting at the Delaware Art Museum opened doors to new collaborations and expanded the reach of my work. More importantly, it highlighted the power of storytelling through visual art to break down barriers, bring communities together, and foster a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures that make up our society. Indigenous Faces of Wilmington is a testament to the strength and resilience of Indigenous people and serves as a reminder that their stories deserve to be told and celebrated. For me, it’s not just about taking pictures; it's about capturing the soul and spirit of individuals and using those images to create a lasting impact and awareness. This project has set a foundation for many more initiatives to come, where I hope to continue highlighting underrepresented communities and celebrating the vibrant, multifaceted world we live in.

A few interesting facts about me:

I am an '80s baby who is in love with hip-hop and sneaker culture. In 2014, I had the opportunity to create my own New Balance sneaker (NBEEZY 580). Just know we made history for sneaker culture: 10 pairs were made, 7 of which were sold overseas, and 3 were sold in the USA.

What advice do you have for aspiring Black entrepreneurs?

My advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to start by understanding and embracing your unique voice and vision. In a world full of noise, authenticity is your strongest asset. Stay true to who you are and what you believe in because that's what will set you apart from others. Know your ‘why’—why you’re doing what you’re doing—and let that purpose guide every decision you make. Passion is important, but purpose is what will keep you going when times get tough. Networking is also key. Surround yourself with people who support your vision and can offer guidance. Build relationships within your community and industry. Don't be afraid to ask for help or to collaborate with others. The connections you make can open doors and provide opportunities you may not have imagined.

Another piece of advice is to be prepared for challenges and setbacks. Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with highs and lows. Resilience is essential. Learn from your failures and use them as stepping stones. Every obstacle is an opportunity to grow and refine your business. Stay adaptable and open to change, as the landscape of business is always evolving.

Lastly, keep learning. The business world is constantly changing, and staying informed will help you stay ahead. Invest in your personal and professional development. Read, attend workshops, seek mentors, and always be curious. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better equipped you'll be to make strategic decisions and drive your business forward. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and dedication. Stay focused on your goals, and be patient with your progress. Celebrate the small victories along the way, and keep pushing forward. Your journey as an entrepreneur will be uniquely yours, so embrace it fully and let your passion guide you.

Please feel free to provide additional anecdotes about your journey, life, or experiences as a business owner.

Absolutely. Another incredible journey that has shaped my path is my work as the only Black photographer at various Comic Con events, where I have the unique opportunity to photograph celebrities from Marvel movies and other pop culture icons. This experience has been nothing short of amazing and has allowed me to merge my love for photography with my passion for storytelling through the lens of popular culture.

Traveling the world for Comic Con has exposed me to diverse audiences and given me the chance to capture some truly iconic moments. Being backstage and behind the camera with celebrities from Marvel movies, for instance, is not only thrilling but also a testament to how far dedication and passion can take you. It’s surreal to have the chance to photograph some of the most recognized faces in entertainment, contributing to the magic that these events bring to fans all over the globe.

However, being the only Black photographer in these settings also comes with a sense of responsibility. I understand the importance of representation, and I strive to bring my unique perspective to each event I cover. It's a reminder that our presence in all spaces is vital, and through my work, I hope to inspire other aspiring photographers of color to pursue their dreams, no matter how big or unconventional they may seem.

These experiences have not only enriched my skills as a photographer but have also broadened my understanding of the power of visual storytelling. Whether it's capturing the excitement on a fan's face as they meet their favorite superhero or the candid moments shared between celebrities, these events have reinforced my belief in the importance of documenting moments that bring joy and inspiration to others.

My journey through the world of Comic Con has been a testament to the idea that when you follow your passion and remain true to your craft, incredible opportunities can come your way. It’s about being open to new experiences, embracing different cultures, and continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Each event, each photo, and each interaction adds a new layer to my story and the narrative of Color of Life Branding, and I’m excited to see where this journey will take me next.

Delawaretoday Magazine: 

Delaware Arts Museum: fbclid=IwAR22Qw05Et02S98hFYow0BtFQyHgXW1t3cQ2h_8nbF79i0Xan4i4SQ5Iedo 

Delawaretoday Magazine: 

Delawaretoday Magazine: 


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