Shyrea Jones is the Owner and Lead Instructor at Hedera Yoga. Read her story as this month’s #BlackBusinessMonth Feature!

“Although I am certified in Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness for Student Athletes, Movement for the Seasoned Adult, and Trauma-Informed Yoga, I was inspired to start my business because I couldn’t find a community of yoga instructors who resembled me, spoke like me, or had experienced similar trauma. My business aims to create that space.

Hedera Yoga offers a diverse range of yoga sessions and wellness products. More than just a mobile yoga studio with physical locations, Hedera Yoga also features a candle line called Restorative Embers. This line represents a pivot; in today's economy, pairing products with our services adds value to the yoga experience, while aromatherapy enhances the ambiance.

As a Black business owner, I have faced challenges related to exposure. I've been turned down for contracts because I am a curvy Black woman with a slight accent from growing up in Wilmington and Newcastle, Delaware. I don’t let that stop me. I have overcome these challenges by continually educating myself about yoga and wellness practices. While also being me in it’s most authentic form. From certification programs to conferences, I ensure that I stay informed about industry changes and their impact on the Black community.

A few interesting facts about me are:

  1. When I was 4 years old, I auditioned to be on The Cosby Show. It was me against Raven Simone and many more!

  2. French fries are my go to side no matter the meal.

  3. Before transitioning into the wellness space, I was a Restaurant Manager for 16 years.

Currently, I share my love for yoga twice a week at the Jimmy Jenkins Senior Center at Kingswood Community Center. This experience has been transformative. I entered this project knowing that while some members of this elderly population exercise regularly, many do not. Most have never practiced yoga at all. The Chair Yoga sessions I lead combine movement, meditation, and community. We begin and end each session by discussing our mental and physical states. They look forward to seeing me each week and will check in with staff if I am absent. Witnessing their increased mobility and peace reminds me of why I started my business.”.


What advice do you have for people looking to start a business? 

To aspiring Black Entrepreneurs, I encourage you to take your time and plan out EVERYTHING. Also, surround yourself with like minded people. I’m “Out Delaware” not in Delaware. If you understand the difference, you will understand why bringing yoga and holistic wellness to my community is IMPORTANT!

Connect with me today on Facebook and Instagram.