Donye' Price is the Owner of My SereniTeas. Passion shared between wellness, nature, and tea. Read her story as this month’s #BlackBusinessMonth Feature!

“I started out with an athletic apparel company, driven by my passion for fitness and the understanding of how pricey quality gear can be. I wanted to offer affordable, high-quality apparel that everyone could enjoy. However, I eventually shifted my focus from what I was putting on my body to what I was putting inside it. That’s when I began sharing the teas I loved to drink, and my passion just grew from there. I started making personalized coffee mugs and organizing hikes, and now we've expanded into camping and kayaking as well.

At my SereniTeas, we're dedicated to curating experiences that prioritize mental well-being. Nature works wonders for the soul, so we organize hikes, camping trips, and various outdoor activities to help people reconnect and rejuvenate. Additionally, we create customized drinkware—like coffee mugs, stainless steel tumblers, shot glasses, and more—to keep those positive vibes flowing!

My SereniTeas began as my personal way to maintain mental health. These events have helped me reset and practice mindfulness, and I realized that it’s something everyone could benefit from. So, I decided to share this journey with the world.

When I launched My SereniTeas, I knew that tea and nature weren’t the most popular concepts in our community. But my love for tea, along with the incredible health benefits it offers, and my deep passion for hiking and the outdoors, inspired me to share this with others. Honestly, I didn’t expect many people to show up. However, when my first SereniTea Brunch sold out and everyone raved about it afterward, I knew I was onto something special.

“People are looking to heal, and they’ll show up for that.”

I’m a woman who has experienced serious trauma and decided that enough was enough—it was time to make real changes for my mental health. I actually found My SereniTeas during my divorce, and it played a significant role in helping me heal through that challenging chapter. Let me tell you, healing isn’t a straight path; it often feels like taking 50 steps back before moving forward. The tools, tips, and practices that helped me in therapy are what I’m now sharing with others, providing that extra support when you’re not on a therapy couch. Prioritize your mental well-being and discover your own serenitea.”

Have you faced any challenges as a Black business owner? If so, how have you overcome them?

Being a Black business owner presents its own set of challenges, no doubt. However, we overcome these obstacles through resilience, community support, and by staying true to ourselves.

What advice do you have for aspiring Black entrepreneurs?

Chase your passion, not the money. Money can wear you out, but passion keeps you energized. If you’re unsure about your passion, reflect on what ignited your excitement as a child and start from there. Most importantly, don’t stop—keep going!

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