Shanita Powell, Ed.D: Transforming pain into purpose at The Smash House. Read her story as this month’s #BlackBusinessMonth Feature!

“Shanita Powell's journey to founding The Smash House is a powerful testament to transforming personal pain into a constructive and innovative outlet. After the profound loss of her mother on March 1, 2021, Shanita grappled with overwhelming anger and a need for physical release. The limitations of her home environment made it difficult for her to find a suitable space for emotional expression. During a period of retreat from social interactions to prevent misdirected anger from affecting others, Shanita found clarity. She realized there was a significant need for a dedicated space where individuals could channel their emotions constructively. This insight led her to conceptualize The Smash House—a venue designed to provide a physical outlet for emotional release.

“The Smash House represents more than just a business venture; it is a manifestation of Shanita's personal healing journey and a way to help others manage their emotions in a healthy and transformative manner.”

Welcome to The Smash House—where liberation and exhilaration converge in a one-of-a-kind experience designed to elevate your entertainment, relaxation, and stress relief. Picture a vibrant sanctuary where you can fully unleash your emotions and leave your worries behind. In this secure and welcoming environment, you’ll find a thrilling physical outlet that transforms into an unforgettable journey of release and rejuvenation.”. At The Smash House, you’re not just engaging in a physical activity; you’re embracing a transformative experience. Whether you're seeking a cathartic solo escape, a dynamic team-building adventure, or a memorable night out with friends, our haven offers the perfect backdrop. Smash away barriers to your goals, release grief, and celebrate milestones with a symphony of shattering glass and unburdened enthusiasm.

“Experience The Smash House—a revolutionary destination where personal liberation meets exhilarating fun.”

Every smash session holds more meaning than just the thrill of breaking things. Recently, a customer's sister visited us during a significant milestone—her 60th birthday. This visit was inspired by a referral from her doctor to explore a "stress room" as a means of coping with profound grief following the loss of her mother and husband. During the session, it became clear that her time in the rage room was more than a simple release; it was a vital step in her emotional healing journey. After her experience, we reflected together on our shared struggles with grief, highlighting the importance of continuing to live fully and celebrate every new milestone, even amidst profound loss. While rage rooms are designed to be exhilarating, our true purpose at The Smash House goes beyond just fun. We are dedicated to facilitating genuine emotional release and supporting our customers through their personal challenges.”.

Have you faced any challenges as a Black business owner? If so, how have you overcome them?

Yes. One of the major challenges I faced was finding a space to lease. I embarked on this journey in 2021 and was unable to secure a location until 2024 after receiving far more "No's" than "Yes's" for commercial lease partnerships.

What advice do you have for aspiring Black entrepreneurs?

When God gives you a vision, see it through. Don’t be deterred by obstacles; let them intensify your motivation. Listen to that still, quiet voice within and allow God to direct your path.

Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about your business?

The Smash House is available as a workplace wellness solution and for event rentals.

Connect with me today on Facebook and Instagram.